Saturday, May 07, 2005

Munich - The beer capital of the world

Just got back from a walking tour of Munich. It was a wicked fun tour, and the tour guide made these corny jokes (I love corny jokes). Although, I did not enjoy the freezing rain and wind searing through my body. That, I could have done without.

Alright I will write more later I will have to go and unthaw my hands and feet.

The Glockenspiel in Munich. Quite possibly the most boring yet most famous glockenspiel in the world. If your neck doesn't get cramped from staring up waiting for something to happen, your ears will beg for mercy from the 500 out of tune bells ringing for what seems like 40 years. But hey, it's famous so you gotta see it. Though no one is quite sure why it's famous. Our tour guide said it's famous for being famous, so I guess it's like the Paris Hilton of glockenspiels. Posted by Hello


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