Sunday, May 08, 2005

Berlin walking tour

Here´s how our morning went: got in to Berlin at 9:30, the train was 2 hours late, I was delirious and disillusioned. Stumbled to the hostel 50 meters away from the train station. Got on a Berlin walking tour at 10:30. Took the S Bahn to East Berlin, waited around for a while, for... something. Apparently something was holding up something, or someone else, because of .... something. Oh Christ, I am not that drunk. No, I know what it is. Today there´s a huge commemoration of the end of the war. Loads of demonstrations. Loads of protests. Neo Nazis and extreme Leftists confronting each other. Signs of trouble that we gleefully did not see, or chose to ignore.

So we went on the tour. Hitler´s bunker. Charlie´s checkpoint. The wall. Hail. And then all hail came down! The third time we´ve been rained on like wet cats in Germany.

When it cleared out we started the tour again, or... not. The demonstrators were on both sides, and we were in the middle. What, is this a reenactment or something? No, Nikki, this is NOT a reenactment. Is that clear? NOT a reenactment. The Neo Nazis aren´t stage actors with makeup.


No, I didn´t feel stupid at all. Thank you for wondering.

So the tour ended prematurely, and we got the hell out.

The infamous Berlin wall, now ironically fenced off. But you can get a piece of your own Berlin wall for 4 euros at gift shops. Ain't you glad capitalism took over? Posted by Hello

And... here comes trouble. Posted by Hello

What does this remind you of? I'll give you a clue. Two, even. One is shish and two is kebab. And no this isn't the world's biggest kebab shrine. It's the top of the Reichstag building, the German lower Parliament house. Posted by Hello


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